Our native language is Papiamentu - a foundation of African languages and Portuguese with Spanish, Dutch, Indian and Jewish influences. Papiamentu is the heart and soul of Curaçao’s culture and learning it can make your island experience even more meaningful. In this blog series, “Papia Papiamentu Ku Mi” (Speak Papiamentu with Me), we’ll introduce you to useful words and phrases that will help you connect with locals, navigate the island, and have fun! Here are five themed blog posts to kickstart your Papiamentu journey.

Days of the week
Djaluna Monday
Djamars Tuesday
Djarason Wednesday
Djawieps Thursday
Djabièrne Friday
Djasabra Saturday
Djadomingu Sunday
Months of the year
Yanüari January
Febrüari February
Mart March
Aprel April
Mei May
Yüni June
Yüli July
Ougùstùs August
Sèptèmber September
Òktober Oktober
Novèmber November
Desèmber December
Sero Zero
Un One
Dos Two
Tres Three
Kuater Four
Sinku Five
Seis Six
Shete Seven
Ocho Eight
Nuebe Nine
Dies Ten
Binti Twinty
Trinta Thirty
Kuarenta Fourty
Sinkuenta Fifty
Setenta Seventy
Ochenta Eighty
Nobenta Ninety
Shen Hundred
Mil Thousand
Blanku White
Pretu Black
Blou Blue
Kòrá Rew
Hel Yellow
Berdè Green